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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Learning Charts for Babies - Wall Hanging Charts for Toddlers

Many of you told me that those baby learning book post was informative. So i decided to share another thing which we bought for her..The baby learning charts.. We started buying these charts when maha started to walk, i would say around her 8th month. She would crawl up to the chart and look at those pictures in the chart. 

1)The first chart which i bought is the baby parts of the body. She started absorbing it a lot and started naming every parts in a few months..

2)Then there goes the birds charts..She just names few of these animals now..The more familiar ones..

3)These are Alphabets charts which is really helpful for babies. St first they will start naming the words through the images like apple, ball then you got to slowly work out for the alphabets..They will learn quicker..

4)These are the normal animals chart which is always a interesting one for babies. They will just love it..Maha mostly plays with this chart and name most of the animal..Since she sees these animals live most of the time..

5)This is a tamil words charts which hubby bought, but this is for little older babies. I would say for babies over 4 years.

6)This one is a useful chart for babies abover 1.5 year. Since there words are easy to repeat babies will learn quicker.

7)This is again a animal chart, but this is a wild animals. After our visit to zoo. Maha started seeing this chart a lot more. Since she can identify the animals.

I hope it is helpful. Let me know your babies favourite charts and reading material..

1 comment:

  1. Nt d chart as such bt rhymes lyk if you are happy n u knw it..ba ba blck sheep..he is 13mo old


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