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Friday, July 4, 2014

Maha Favourite Rhymes / How to Feed a Baby / How to Feed a Fussy Baby

Just a picture of papa and pappu before a outing..

Like many moms i have experienced the pain in feeding my baby. She was a very very fussy baby. She never takes a single spoon of food wholeheartedly. There will be so much crying and pushing in feeding her. Many months passed like this. But now i have found a new way to feed her, by introducing music and rhymes. And found that it is quite successful. 

One of my and maha's favorite rhymes is this chu chu TV. I came across their channel in you tube and they make some of the best baby rhymes..

What i did is i downloaded all the songs from their channels and copied that in a hard drive. I have that connected to out TV. When i ever i feed her, i just turn it on and she really enjoy that rhymes and i feed her in just 5 to 10 mins. It is that easy. If your baby is like this, just try this way and it works..


Just check few of their videos..


  1. Watching TV and eating is a bad combination ! Please do not encourage this. Your child has to know what she is eating and should focus on eating, even if she eats little. Watching TV + eating will lead to obesity problems and they will end not liking anything. Put effort into making finger food that they can pick up and eat by themselves. Distraction while eating is a NO ! Sit and eat with her and show her how to eat and when she sees you enjoying the meal experience, she will slowly get it.

  2. Even I had the same problem while feeding my Baby and one day i fed her while the TV was on. and she just finished her food in no time. You must try Mother goose club videos. They have lovely and informative rhymes for babies.


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