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Friday, July 4, 2014

Maha's 10th Month Photoshoot

These pictures where taken on one day when i took maha to my mom's place, so it is not a planned shoot. Just casual pictures. I got that dress from chennai big bazaar, the neck piece came with that dress itself and i loved it so much. I have to get one..

Maha Favourite Rhymes / How to Feed a Baby / How to Feed a Fussy Baby

Just a picture of papa and pappu before a outing..

Like many moms i have experienced the pain in feeding my baby. She was a very very fussy baby. She never takes a single spoon of food wholeheartedly. There will be so much crying and pushing in feeding her. Many months passed like this. But now i have found a new way to feed her, by introducing music and rhymes. And found that it is quite successful. 

One of my and maha's favorite rhymes is this chu chu TV. I came across their channel in you tube and they make some of the best baby rhymes..

What i did is i downloaded all the songs from their channels and copied that in a hard drive. I have that connected to out TV. When i ever i feed her, i just turn it on and she really enjoy that rhymes and i feed her in just 5 to 10 mins. It is that easy. If your baby is like this, just try this way and it works..


Just check few of their videos..

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