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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Solid Food Schedule for 9 Month Baby / Baby Feeding Schedule for Solids Foods / Feeding Schedule for 9 Month Baby

This is my favorite picture of maha on her naming ceremony
YAY, YAY, YAY..Maha got her second teeth too...Now i can start giving her finger foods..She needs that only, she want to grab everything in her hands and feed her all by herself. Love to see that tiny hands grabbing foods and taking it into the tiny mouth and chewing.

This month i introduced a lots of new foods to maha. I was quite happy that she can chew her food properly before swallowing it. I gave different finger foods for her. She happily accepted it. But never over do it, there is time. Now lets see the food schedule..

9:00 to 9:30 AM : Due to her over play time the previous night, she wakes up late these days. As usual i start her day with formula milk or breast milk. But i reduce the amount of it, because soon i will feed her a little more amount of idly that previous month. As a note, idly or dosa are her main part in breakfast. As usual i mix idli with some hot water and feed her. 

Her sleeping time has reduced a lot these days..I never can assume the time she sleeps so i skipping that here..

I feed her some finger foods these days. I give a small stick of apple, or par cooked carrots sticks, a small stick or cucumber. I make everything into sticks because she can grab that in her hands and suck it. ( I will surely do a separate post on finger foods )

I feed her some juices too, this time the veggies and fruits are juiced raw, since her digestive system has developed a little more..

12:00 to 12:30 PM : Her lunch is during this time. I feed her rice as usual. I make sure i drizzle some ghee over it. Check out my khichdi recipe. I make sure i feed lots of water inbetween. After lunch i am sure she will sleep atleast a little..

3.00 to 3:30 PM : I make sure i hard boil a egg and feed her a eggyolk. I just mash it up and feed her in small mouthful along with water. This is her early snack. Eggs are quite a filling and nutrition rich meal.

5.00 to 5.30 PM : As a evening tea for us, i feed her a healthy portion of sago kanji or vegetable soup or ragi porridge or formula milk or sooji kheer. ( I will post the recipe for sago kanji and veg soup soon)

7.00 to 7.30 : I always go for Idly or steamed dosa which is mixed with some hot water.

If she keep on crying or feels hungry at night. I feed her with formula milk. Inbetween these schedule in keep on feeding her mother feeding. I dont give much of formula milk, mother feeding is what i prefer. And after 8.00 PM i dont feed any solid foods, i feed her mother feeding only. I feed her lots of water.


  1. I gave egg yolk to my baby from 8 months(india).. After coming here i gave egg yolk but she vomits it all times.. Is there anything nutritious that replace egg yolk..

  2. Hello arathy. Hw abt 10 month baby food schedule ? Could u plz tell...

  3. Can I give oats porridge to my baby as dinner at 7.30-8p.m?...I read all ur baby recipes...urs is the site which I follow

  4. Can I give idly to 12 month baby at night around 8-8.30?


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