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Monday, April 28, 2014

She got her First Teeth!

Sorry for my absence of these many days..Finding time has got difficult for me..Somehow managed to get some time today, so i am sharing a good news with you all..

Maha got her First Teeth somewhere in her 8th month..Now she keeps on biting me, and take all the stuffs and bites it..Cant stop looking at her tiny little teeth there..Lovely..

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Maha's 8th Month Photoshoot

Last Week finally i made up to take pics of maha on her 8th month. Me and hubby got a pink kathar salwar for her in a exhibition which was help here in my place few month back. But never got a chance to put it on her, because when we bought, it was too big for her. But now it fits her perfectly. I think the pics came out good and i love all her expressions as usual..

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sooji Kheer for Babies / Sooji Porridge for Babies & Toddlers / Suji Kheer for Babies & Infants

Sooji makes a great first food for babies since it is easy to digest. Make a delicious kheer out of it and your baby will love it..

For the recipe, check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Rice, Dal & Spinach Khichdi for Babies - Rice Recipes for Babies & Toddlers

Adding spinach into rice and dal makes it more nutritious for babies and this is packed with iron. 

For the recipe, check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Rice & Dal Khichdi for Babies / Moong Dal Khichdi for Babies

Rice & Dals makes a great first food for babies, since it is rich in carbs and protein. I will share many of my variations in including these in your babies diet.. 

For the recipe, check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Solid Food Schedule for 7 Month Baby / Baby Feeding Schedule for Solids Foods / Feeding Schedule for 7 Month Baby

I have posted Feeding schedule for 6 month baby in my previous post. Now i am sharing  what i fed maha on her 7th month. This month we took her anna prasanna, so i have included rice in her diet. Since it is very filling, i have reduced the amount of other solid foods like ragi and raw banana to her.

9.00 to 9.30 AM    - Maha usually wakes up during this time. We just play together for few minutes, kissing hugging, snuggling goes on..Then i take her out from bedroom.. I start her day with ceralac. She plays for sometime and i pat her put her back to nap. She sleeps for a good 2 hours or so..
11.30 to 12.00 AM - She wakes up and i make her next food all ready. This time is usually her lunch. I make rice khichdi for her. I add lots of vegetables and spinach in them. You can check out the way i make it right here.I feed her lots of drinking water along with her food. After getting fed she plays a lot and gets tired. So i pat her and put her to a quick nap.

4.00 PM - 4.30 PM  - Since i have fed maha with rice, i dont go on feeding her heavily. It will be some kind of veg or fruit purees. I feed either Potato, Carrots, Beets puree or a combination of these veggies. I feed her either apple puree, pear puree or apple pear cinnamon puree, banana puree..I feed her lots of drinking water along with her food.
6.00 to 7.00 PM    - This would be her dinner. It will be mostly idlies or steamed dosas. I add some warm water in it and mash it will a spoon and feed her. Don't forget to feed water to you baby.

If she keep on crying or feels hungry at night. I feed her with formula milk. Inbetween these schedule in keep on feeding her mother feeding. I dont give much of formula milk, mother feeding is what i prefer. And after 8.00 PM i dont feed any solid foods, i feed her mother feeding only. I feed her lots of water.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Solid Food Schedule for 6 Month Baby / Baby Feeding Schedule for Solids Foods / Feeding Schedule for 6 Month Baby

I am getting lots and lots of mails from my viewers asking me to post feeding schedule for babies. So decided to start this series. Many of us have doubts about how many times to feed baby, what foods to feed baby and stuffs like that..I am sharing the schedule which i followed for Maha. This is her 6th month schedule. I didn't start on rice during this stage, most of her foods where fruits, veggies and grains.

8.30 to 9.00 AM    - Maha usually wakes up during this time. We just play together for few minutes, kissing hugging, snuggling goes on..Then i take her out from bedroom and feed her some Formula milk. I start her day with formula milk. She plays for sometime and i pat her put her back to nap.

10.30 to 11.00 AM - She wakes up and i make her next food all ready. I make sure to include fruits and vegetables in her daily diet. So i feed her fruits in the morning. I feed her either apple puree, pear puree or apple pear cinnamon puree, banana puree. I feed her lots of drinking water along with her food. After getting fed she plays a lot and gets tired. So i pat her and put her to a quick nap.

12.00 to 12.30 PM  - Her lunch will be usually be Porridges. This is her quite filling and weight gaining meal. So i make a little more of the porridges and keep on feeding her. It will be either Ragi, Raw Banana, Wheat, Oats or  Barley. I feed her lots of drinking water along with her food. She plays and gets into a deep nap during this time. Since it is afternoon, and she is fed stomach full , she sleeps peacefully for a good 2 to 3 hours.

3.00 to 3.30 PM    - In the evening it is going to be Vegetables. I feed either Potato, Carrots, Beets puree or a combination of these veggies, check this and this..I feed her lots of drinking water along with her food.

5.00 to 6.00 PM    - This is her evening snacks. I make a Biscuits cereal or Ceralac Cereal. I take some marie biscuits and add some hot water and make it into a paste. I feed that with spoon. Don't forget to feed water to you baby.

7.00 to 8.00 PM    - This is going to be a simple dinner for her. I make Formula Milk and feed her.

Inbetween these schedule in keep on feeding her mother feeding. And after 8.00 PM i dont feed any solid foods, i feed her mother feeding only. I feed her lots of water and fruit juices inbetween these timings. I usually feed her pomegranate juices and orange juice mixed with some water.

Steamed Mashed Banana for Babies / Banana Puree for Babies / Steamed Nendrapazham for Babies - Puree for Babies / Banana for Babies

Mashed bananas make a great baby food. Specially when it is steamed. It has tons of potassium in it..Very healthy..

For the recipe, check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Wheat, Moong Dal & Almond Health Porridge for Babies - Protein Rich Food for Babies

This is so filling and healthy since it has all good stuff in it.This will be your babies new favorite porridge..

For the recipe, check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Wheat, Moong Dal & Almond Health Powder for Babies - Health Powder Mix for Babies

A health alternative for your babies from the regular rag porridge. 

For the recipe, check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Carrot, Potato & Beetroot Puree for Babies - Puree for Babies

Carrots, potato and Beets are a great first food for babies, since it is loaded with lots of vitamins. This will be your babies latest favorite too..

For the recipe, check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pomegranate Juice for Babies - Juice for Babies / Pomegranate for Babies

Summer is here and it is getting burning hot here. It is very important to feed as much liquid to your baby..Specially fruit juices are great..Pomegranate is best fruit for babies since it is very healthy and packed with full of antioxidants.

For the recipe, check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Pear Puree for Babies / Pear Sauce for Babies - Baby Food Recipes / Puree for Babies / Pear for Babies

Pear makes a great first food for babies, since it is non allergenic and easy to digest fruit..You can check out the recipe for making puree out of it..

For the recipe, check out my blog Yummy Tummy

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