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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Home Remedies for Baby Constipation / Baby Constipation Treatment / Constipation in Babies

What is Baby Constipation?

Constipation in babies is not just when they dont pass stool. It may also occur

1)when babies stool looks tougher, hard, dry and doesn't look normal(You know what i mean).
2)They feel the pain while passing stool and has trouble while passing poo.
3)When they belly looks hard, tough and swollen up.
4)When they dont eat properly.
5)Their poo smells really bad.
6)Constant crying when you press their belly and find it trouble sleeping.

This is how you know that your baby is in constipation.

What is the cause for Constipation?

There are several causes for constipation. Some of the main reasons are

1)Formula milk & Cow's milk can cause constipation, since breast milk are easy to digest.
2)Introducing solid foods.
3)When your baby is not drinking enough water or milk. It may cause dehydration.
4)Food allergies, Food Poison or Other medical conditions.

Home Remedies for Constipation:

1)Massaging & Warm Bath:

Gentle massage your babies tummy with warm coconut oil in a round manner for few mins. This will relax your baby and soothes her. A warm water bath after massaging will help your baby relieve from constipation.

2)My Grandma's Tips:

Take 5 to 8 Black Raisans and wash them well. Now take that in a sauce pan and add 1/2 cup of water. Bring that to a good boil, simmer the flame and let it cool till it is reduced to thrice in volume. Now allow this to cool a little. When it is cold to handle, Press the raisans and squeeze the pulp with your clean washed fingers. Now strain this liquid through a fine strainer. You cna give this to your baby early in the morning. Continue this everyday untill your baby passes poo.

You can keep on doing this once in every two days. This will help your babies constipation.

3)Magic of Water:

Keep on giving warm water every hour to your baby. This helps a lot.

4)Fruits & Vegetables will do the Trick:

If you are giving store bought cereal to your babies. Then reduce that and include Homemade Fruit Purees, Homemade Vegetable Purees, Homemade Porridges to your baby.


1)Feeding your baby with 1/4 cup of Prune Juice Mixed with 3/4 cup of water with relieve your baby from constipation.


1) Take Dried Fig and wash them well. Now take that in a sauce pan and add 1/2 cup of water. Bring that to a good boil, simmer the flame and let it cool till it is reduced to thrice in volume. Now allow this to cool a little. When it is cold to handle, Press the fig and squeeze the pulp with your clean washed fingers. Now strain this liquid through a fine strainer. You can give this to your baby early in the morning.

2)Heat betel leaves in deepam slightly and place it on the baby's tummy, obviously check for the temperature of the betal leaf first. It is supposed to melt the motion inside and baby will pass stool immediately.

3)Use cycling motion on babies gently this will help them go poop. 

4)Take 1 tsp water and a pinch of hing. Put that paste around your baby's nave. This will help to pass stool in babies

If your baby is not relieved after these home treatment, Consult with your pediatrician, he will give medicines for it.

After all, don't get into too much worries. Constipation is common in all babies, and your babies will get into normal routine soon.


Pictureless post is not interesting..I am leaving you with a picture of me and maha..

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How to Make Oats Porridge for Babies / Oats, Apple & Cinnamon Porridge / Oats for Babies - Porridge for Babies

Oats are perfect food to introduce to your baby on their 6th month. They have tons of nutrients and when they gets combined with apples they make a delicious food. It is filling and your baby will love it for sure..

For the recipe..Check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Maha's 4th Month Photo Shoot

As a food blogger and a food photographer, how can i don't take pictures of my lil one..Yes i take lots of snap of her and her activities..Those are my treasure..Even now i totally get amazed how my lil one has changed from her birth. Looking at those photos makes my day always..

I am on a mission to have a photo shoot of maha each month starting from her 4th month...These pictures are on her 4th month, will share her pictures on 5th and 6th month too..










5th Month pics soon....

Monday, February 24, 2014

Maha can Turn Over Now!

I was so worried, because everyone started asking has maha turned over. Maha was on her 4th month, didn't show any symptoms to turn over. Then she came to her 5th month, still no symptoms..As a Momm i was so excited and waited to see that..You know i was very eager and waiting for that moment..

At her 51/2 month she started doing this..SO THRILLING..

And in a few days she did this...Can you feel my heart..How it felt like..

Now she turns over as soon as i put her down and started kneeling down..Somedays she moves like a small puppy just jumping as she is knealing down. She doesn't move knealing down..But in a few days she will do it i think..

So we arranged a small photo shoot yesterday. And i took some pics of her..Will share them in my next post..

Saturday, February 22, 2014

How to Make Ragi Porridge for Babies / Ragi for Babies - Porridge for Babies

Ragi porridge can be made using fresh ragi as well as powdered one. I have already posted a recipe for how to make ragi from fresh ragi. This is recipe for making porridge using homemade ragi powder.

For the recipe..Check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Homemade Sprouted Ragi Powder for Babies - Health Mix Powder for Babies

I dont recommend store bought ragi powders for babies under 6 months. Make your own ragi powder at home, it is so easy that you think. Plus this ragi powder is sprouted so it is much more healthy and easily digestable.

For the recipe..Check out my blog yummy tummy

Ragi Porridge for Babies / Ragi for Babies - Porridge for Babies

Ragi / Finger Millet makes a first food for your baby. Making porridge out of ragi is so healthy and helps your baby to gain weight in a very healthy way.

For the recipe..Check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Apple Puree for Babies / Apples for Babies - Puree for Babies

Apples make a perfect first fruit for your baby..Since is less allergenic and packed with full of nutrients. It is easily digestable too.

For the recipe..Check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Carrot Puree Recipe for Babies / Carrots for Babies - Puree for Babies


Carrots are perfect source of vitamins and it is rich in high beta carotine..They make a great first food for your baby, since it is less allergenic and easily digestable.

For the recipe..Check out my blog Yummy Tummy

Friday, February 21, 2014

Pappu & Papa Love

I am totally amazed about maha's attachement to her papa..You know, sometimes i get really jealous, Because when she is crying or not feeling comfortable, i will try to pat her, she wont listen to me and keep on crying. But when she is in her papa's hand she gets calm immediately and in few minutes, believe it or now she will sleep. Everyone says that babies feels cozy when they are in mama's hand, but maha feels more cozy when she is with her papa..

Mostly mens dont get the excitement of becoming a daddy untill the baby is here. Satheesh was also like that..But as soon as maha arrived i couldn't write how much he got responsible and how much he changed himself. It is magical..He has totally turned into the perfect papa..

They both are like the perfect daddy and daughter..

Starting from day 1, hubby used to talk to maha, asking her to say appa. He will be like "MAHA SAY APPA, MAHA SAY APPA". I used to tease him like " SEE BABIES WONT SAY APPA FIRST, THEY WILL ONLY SAY AMMA"..BUT....One fine day MAHA TOLD APPA..CAN YOU BELIEVE IT..CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW MY HEART BROKED..I WAS TOTALLLY SHOCKED..Hubby gave no reaction, he just told me "SEE NORMAL BABIES WILL SAY AMMA FIRST, BUT MAHA IS MY BABY" :(

They both are just Beautiful

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lets Go Home!

Maha all ready and bundled up to go home from hospital on her 7th day...

Still Cute!

Maha got her blood tested..Looks painful but still cute..What a BAD MOM I am!

Loves these Pictures..

Looking at Maha's Tiny Toes & Fingers makes our Day...

I am Keeping it Safe

This was the id which was tied in Maha's Hand..I am keeping it safe..It is so precious..

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I Believe in Love at First Sight..

August 21, 2013, Morning.... huh may be 7.30, I found my water has broked. I was thinking like NO way it can't happen now, because as per scan reports the date was August 28th. But my baby was so impatient and wanted to see the world right now..So i informed my mom and hubby about this. Hubby was shocked and mom was like hurrying and rushing and tensed as if she was going into labour. At this time, i didn't feel any pain at all. So we all packed our bags(which we did weeks back) and hurried to the hospital.

GEORGE MISSION, in Nagercoil. Such a lovely hospital. Well Equiped Ward, Experienced Doctor and Caring Nurses. We checked in the reception and they immediately took me to the labour ward.

Inside the ward, they were giving me trips, injections, tablets. But i didn't receive any pain. As time pass by, around 10.30 am. I started getting little pain, then it started increasing. Then suddenly it stopped. When they tried increasing the dose they found the heartbeat of the baby increasing. So they stopped giving that.

At 4.00 PM, the doctor decided that there is no way i can have a normal delivery. So they consulted with my hubby and amma and decided to go with a C-section. They fixed the time as 6.00 PM. They prepared me for C-Section. I was totally scared at first because everyone was talking about the injection which the put on our back bone. I was totally nervous at that time.

When they took me to the operation theatre OMG i was completely stunned and my heartbeat started raising to a high seeing that. It was totally scary. They made me lie down in the bed and a doctor, i dont even know his name. He is the anesthesiologist, he is so caring. He asked me to turn over to put injection. I was like god please make it easy. To my surprise, believe it or not, i didn't even felt the pain. FIRST RELIEF for me..In a few seconds my complete body, below the hip started going numb. He told me that this is going to be easy, dont get tensed. If you feel something in you please tell me. And he was holding my hand always. I felt a little comfortable. Then came the doctor and nurses. Then they put a screen between us and started working to bring my baby to this world. The doctor told me to close my eyes, but i cannot do it. I was expecting each minute, i was waiting for the time, i dont want to miss to hear my babies first cry. Suddenly things started to rush up. Everyone was in a hurry, i realised the time has arrived. AND ONE PUSH there i hear my lil ones CRY..I literally cried, i couldn't resist and control my feeling. It was 6.22 PM

They didn't show my baby immediately. I was impatient, i started asking them. He told me that please wait for a minute, the nurse is cleaning the baby, she will show you the baby now.

And that moment, the nurse came to me, holding my baby wrapping her in a orange turkey towel, told me that YOU GOT A GIRL..AND SHOWED ME HER FACE..OMG IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT..IT WAS LIKE THE TIME STOOD STILL..

Then they took the baby out to show it to my hubby and parents and put me in the stretcher and carried to a separate room. I was totally restless. I wanted to see my husband immediately. So i told the nurse about this. And there came my hubby, a happy smile in his face. I asked him did you see her, he told YES, AND SHE IS BEAUTIFUL..

Then in a few hours i started getting the pain of the stiches. Nurse came and gave me a pain killer and a sleeping dose. I tried to get some rest, but i couldn't. I was waiting for the time when i could see my baby. They brought maha to me couple of times to feed her. But i couldn't see her face clearly because the light were turned off and i was in total pain. Finally i slept.

The next morning. OMG The pain was horrible, i was thinking, OH GOD i think i cannot stand up anymore. I cannot turn even a inch, But the nurse came to me and asked me to get up. I was like, NO WAY I CANNOT. She told me YES U CAN, PLEASE TRY. After lots of shouting and screaming, finally i stood up. The nurse gave me a hot bath and asked me to change my clothes all by myself. I walked slowly to make my legs get into normal. It was so painful. The pain was like death. But I was so happy that finally i get to see my baby and hubby. And at August 22, 10.00 AM they took me to the room. I literally cried seeing everyone.

I looked at maha, she was like a pink rose, like our bundle of joy. All the pain just flied in a second see her. I kissed her and made a promise to her, MAHA, THERE IS MAMA NOW. TO LOOK AFTER YOU..

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